Life vs Love
I hate when day to day life gets in the way of passionate, nonsensical loving. I love the feeling of being everything to someone. The feeling that they need my presence, and don't want to be without me.
Life gets in the way of that right now. Is that because I am getting older, and responsibilities are piling up, and sometimes taking over. But no matter how old you are you always think that life is busy. Or at least I did. I wish that I could have been more carefree as a kid, but I think I always tried to be responsible.
And now all I want to do is be in a silly, don't care what anyone thinks, sort of love. One that doesn't involve the outside world sometimes. At moments I think I finally have that. And at other times, it is quite apparent that I don't. And as I sit here typing alone, and hear my roommate and her bf laughing and tickling each other in the other room, I know that life isn't that simple right now. It is for her, but she doesn't live in the real world most of the time.
So here is to loving, and not caring what other people think, what deadlines are approaching, or what time it is. Add up your score on the Love Calculator